Psst! Someone is spying on you.

When we hear the word “spy,” we usually think of Cold War-era, cloak-and-dagger spies. But in the digital age when we say someone is “spying” on you, we’re talking about online. And someone is almost certainly spying on you.

How To Hide Your Browsing History And Protect It From ISPs

In the current era, privacy is more important than ever, and digital privacy must be protected at all costs. Just like that, your browsing history is precious data. It can reveal much about you, your interests, and your political views. Before reaching any website, all of this must pass through your trusted internet service provider (ISP).

Use VPN for School to Unblock Wi-Fi and Enjoy Digital Freedom

Access to the internet at school is essential in today’s modern world. Therefore, nearly all educational institutions provide students with wireless Internet access on campus. A firewall protects and limits student access to the internet at colleges and universities with functional WiFi.